There are many ways you can help to support the Kettle Moraine School District’s vision of “learning without boundaries” to meet the needs of ALL students, and to ensure those elected to the Kettle Moraine School Board remain non-partisan and are accountable to ALL community members, not just those district residents that own homes and share a political ideology.
Help spread our message of support for:
District educators and students
Schools and charter schools that provide a tailored learning experience for all
Inclusion and diversity
Integrity, honesty and transparency from school board members
Facts over misinformation / disinformation
School board members and future candidates operating in a non-partisan manner for the good of the entire community and not just those that share an ideology
Together our KM Alliance will work to build a better and brighter community for all.
Attend school board meetings and speak up. It's important for the Board to hear from a wide range of interested community members, including students, business owners and employers, parents of both current and former students, residents, and property owners. We all benefit from our excellent public schools here in the Kettle Moraine School District. Show the board that you also support vibrant public schools, support our educators, support all students, support focusing on the educational mission of the district, not divisive culture war issues. Show the board you support nonpartisan school board members who are there to be stewards of the district for the entire community, and support all interested community members engaged (instead of a particular group controlling everything). Can’t attend? Email the board and share your views. Here is a link to the board members and their email addresses.
Write your local papers. Each week there are opportunities for community members to write to the editors of local publications and to have these letters published. Letters to the Editor (LTEs) are an important way for members of the local community to share views widely with other news readers. LTEs expand your reach beyond social media to people who follow the news. LTEs may be in response to a recent news article, a previous letter, or a current topic of importance to the wider community. Some suggested topics may include school board happenings, local elections, Fair Maps, Freedom to Vote Act, state budget priorities, health care, family-supporting jobs, public education, child care, affordable health care, and clean water. Letters can be sent to the following publications below:
Waukesha Freeman | letters@conleynet.com & soundoff@conleynet.com
Oconomowoc Enterprise | letters@conleynet.com & soundoff@conleynet.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel | jsedit@journalsentinel.com
Wisconsin State Journal | wsjopine@madison.com
Interested, but looking for tips and best practices on writing letters to the editor, we’ve got you covered here.Talk to friends and neighbors in the district. So many residents either don't vote in school board elections or do not have students in the classroom anymore. As such, these residents may not be as knowledgeable as to what is happening within our schools and or how the backslide in how we’re showing up for our educators and students will ultimately have a negative impact on school district performance. Should district performance slide - that could also have a negative impact on property values in the district - which everyone will care about. You know your neighbors. Talk to those you believe you can approach about the importance of keeping school board seats non-partisan and why they should get involved.
Share and support our mission on social media. Help us amplify the messages around maintaining our sound school district, supporting our public schools, our educators and our students by using some of the items within our social media toolkit.
Contact local political party offices and tell them to stay out of these local elections. School boards have always been and should continue to be non-partisan elected roles for the good of all that reside within the community, not just those that share a political ideology.
Democratic Party of Waukesha County
[P] 262-955-2583 [E] info@waukeshadems.orgRepublican Party of Waukesha County
[P] 262-524-83532 [E] hq@waukeshagop.org
We recognize not everyone has time to give to an effort like this. To that end, we’d happily put your monetary donation to work for the cause in educating our community about the importance of strong public schools, advocating for all children in the KM District, and finally supporting candidates for school board that share our values of nonpartisanship, parental engagement, integrity and support for and trust in our Public Schools and Educators.
Join the KM Alliance. We’d love to continue to bring more of the community into these efforts - as we seek to ensure that the Kettle Moraine School District:
Maintains its high performing schools (charter schools included).
Has an ethical school board that follows the existing governance model, inclusive of the school administration having the authority and autonomy to make decisions on hiring as they are in the best position to do so.
Remains a destination place of employment for highly skilled educators.
Remains a district where all students feel welcome, and are given an inclusive environment where they can thrive - and learn the skills they will need as they venture out into the world.
Evolves to be a community where we don’t punch down on the marginalized because it’s politically trending.
Submit the brief interest form below and a member of our team will reach out.
In order to avoid any coordination with a candidate or candidate’s campaign please do not volunteer with the Kettle Moraine Alliance if you plan to work with a candidate or their campaign.